A key component in finding happiness and health is identifying the difference between our feelings (emotions) and out thoughts (belief, expectations, viewpoints, memories, etc). Very often our thoughts and feelings have become intertwined in way that it is difficult to know where one begins and the other ends. Being able to tell the difference is critical however. As a therapist …
Using meditation and mindfulness skills as a way to manage pain
Meditation as an alternative to medication in treatment of chronic pain. The mind-body connection is well established in the health field but it is great to see more research highlighting the power of imagery, meditation, and other mindfulness skills for improving our physical health. Better living WITHOUT chemistry–what a concept 😉 Check out this article! http://onit.msn.com/story?ocid=hpslideonit.msn.com
Helping grow the brain toward relationships
There has been research that has suggested that while autism is a neurological disorder the effects can be limited and even overcome through the use of intensive treatment. Intensive, structured stimulation and interaction seems to be a key factor in promoting the development of neurological systems associated with autism. Obviously the challenge is finding the funding and supports to provide …